Investors GEOS

The Investor relation website of Golden Energy Offshore Services ASA  is designed to provide all investors and the capital markets with precise, equal and reliable information.

Golden Energy Offshore Services ASA

Golden Energy Offshore Services ASA is a Norwegian based offshore service company. Its principal activity is to own and charter out its wholly owned offshore vessels to major international oil companies. The Company is the sole beneficial owner of the vessels M/V Energy Swan, M/V Energy Empress, M/V Energy Paradise, M/V Energy Passion and M/V Energy Duchess and is headquartered in Ålesund, Norway.

Corporate Governance

Articles of Association

This is not an official translation. In case of discrepancy between the Norwegian original text and the English language translation, the Norwegian text shall prevail.(Revised 21.05.2024)

§ 1 Name and business office

The name of the company is Golden Energy Offshore Services ASA. The Company's
registered office is in Ålesund municipality.

§ 2 Objective

The Objective of the Company is to operate as a shipping company with connected operation.


The company’s share capital is NOK 501,689,880 divided into 25,084,494 shares, each
with a nominal value of NOK 20. The shares shall be registered in a securities register.

§ 4 Board of directors

The board of directors shall consist of three and five members. One or more deputy members can be elected. The Board members and deputy members are elected for up to two years at a time.

§ 5 Signatories

The chairman of the board acting alone or one board member and the Chief Executive Officer acting jointly are authorised to sign on behalf of the company.

§ 6 General Meeting

The Chairman of the Board or a person designated by him shall preside at the General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting shall discuss and decide on the following matters:

a) Approval of the annual accounts and the annual report, including distribution ofdividend, if any.

b) Other matters that pursuant to law or the Articles of Association fall under the authority of the general meeting.

When documents relating to matters to be considered at the General Meeting have been made available to shareholders on the Company's website, the statutory requirementthat the documents must be sent to the shareholders does not apply. This also appliesto documents that by law must be included in or attached to the notice of the General Meeting. Nevertheless, each shareholder is entitled to request that the documents concerning items to be discussed at the General Meeting be sent by mail.

The Board of Directors may decide that shareholders shall be able to cast their votes in writing, including by means of electronic communication, for a period prior to the General Meeting.

§ 7 Nomination Committee

The company shall have a nomination committee consisting of up to three members to be elected by the general meeting. The members shall be elected for a period of two years. The General Meeting determines the remuneration to the nomination committee.

The nomination committee propose candidates for members of the board and the nomination committee and remuneration to the members of these bodies.

The general meeting may decide on guidelines for the nomination committee.

General Meetings

The General Meeting is the supreme authority in Golden Energy Offshore Services ASA. It elects the company’s Board of Directors, approves the annual financial statements and dividends proposed by the Board. Changes to share capital, mergers, demergers and amendments to the articles of association is also matters that the General Meeting considers. Presentation and discussion of other issues of general interests to shareholders can be part of the General Meeting.

The Ordinary General Meeting must be held within six months after the end of each financial year. Notice and relevant documents will be published at least 21 days before a general meeting is held and on a General Meeting one share has one right to vote

Board Members

The Board has the overall responsibility to manage the Company and monitor its performance and operations. The Board is working in accordance with established  procedures and applicable legislation describing the responsibility and duties.

Thomas J Scott
Gideon A Tuchman
Board Member
Rita Granlund
Board Member
Susanne Munch Thore
Board Member
Atef Abou Merhi
Board Member

Human Rights and Transparency Act

GEOS Group - Reporting under the Norwegian Transparency Act. Our annual reports can be downloaded here:

Shareholder letter

Our shareholder letters can be downloaded as a PDF-file in English and Norwegian here:

Shareholder letter published Jul 05, 2022


GEOS AGM - 16.05.2024
May 16, 2024

GEOS - 2024 AGM minutes

GEOS Q4-2023 presentation 27.02.2024
February 27, 2024

GEOS Presentation 27th February 2024 - Fourth Quarter Results and Preliminary Annual Results for 2023

GEOS - Company Presentation 28.09.2023
September 28, 2023


GEOS Notice to AGM meeting 16.05.2024

For shareholders receiving notice by post (with and PIN) participation and proxy may be registered here (deadline 15 May 2024 at 16:00 pm CEST). Shareholders receiving notice electronically, must log on Investor services and choose Corporate Actions – General Meeting – ISIN (also available for shareholders receiving notice by post).

Live virtual attendance in the meeting here (Log in BEFORE the meeting starts at 13:00 CEST on 16 May 2024)

The GEOS share

Golden Energy Offshore Services ASA publishes its financial calendar annually and presents financial data through its annual and semi-annual reports, reports and presentations are made available on the Company's website and the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Filter share info

Stock notifications

The latest stock notifications from Euronext can be found here.

Financial Calendar