Golden Energy Offshore
St Olavs Plass 1, 6002 Ålesund, Norway
Post box 411, NO-6001 Ålesund, Norway
+47 70 10 26 60
+47 70 10 26 61
Emergency: +47 974 28 884
Vi har behov for overstyrmann til Energy Swan
Utreise 01.04.2025
Mulighet for fast ansettelse
The vessel is of ST 216 design and is a large PSV / pipe carrier designed to meet the general market with its very high capacities in all respects. The vessels propulsion is a bit special with shaft driven azipulls giving low fuel consumption at its economy speed of approximately 12 knts, and high speed of 18.5 knts when fast transits is needed. With azipulls, 3 bow thruster and DP2 the vessel has excellent station keeping capacities and with its large deck it is ideal for ROV and also more specialized offshore tasks.
The vessel has low noise and vibration in hull and superstructure and also a highly efficient stab tank in the superstructure beneath the bridge deck which ensure less roll and high comfort for its crew. The ship is designed according to the class notation “COMF-V” , NAUT-OSV and NOFO 2009.